Bird painter

Bird painter

Days at the shoreline are a the basis for my creation. Over the years, it has become thousands of hours and days of fieldwork. The sketches and texts are of utmost importance when doing my work in the studio.

When I return to my sketches and notes in winter, I travel back in time. The words, the lines convey a feeling that guides me in my creation.

The process


The texts rarely have a character that describes the birds detail or their environment, even if it does occur. Instead, it is short and often with poetic undertone that describe a feeling in the moment. Several of my texts have given rise to a number of paintings and I am fascinated by how I can remember the moments when I return to theese few simple words.

Maybe it’s the wind that does it. Maybe it’s the noise of the waves. Maybe it’s just a coincidence that they fly in and land in the dawn of light.”

Wander eagerly there in the colors time. The wind does not lift any wings.
Soon it will blow up.

The process


Sketches from days By the shoreline where a few simple lines take shape. Light and color captured with water and pigments. Fills in the surface of the paper and provides memory from moments that have already passed to something else.


In the book Strandland I describe the birdlife from early spring to late autumn. Sketches and paintings are woven together with texts taken from my fieldbooks.

Notes and sketches from a shore where birds land and leave impressions.